Una página web realizada por la concejalía de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Orihuela va a permitir reunir toda la información pasada y presente referente a los Murales del barrio de San Isidro…
Asociación de Mujeres Clara Campoamor “La niña yuntera” 2018 C/ Travesía Samaritana Based on the famous poem but starring a girl, it is used to denounce the female child exploitation, and how only feminism can become the liberating force of inequalities and injustices.
Enrique Menárguez López “Pablo Neruda” 2018 C/Camino Viejo del Oriolet Replica of a mural found in La Chascona (Pablo Neruda's Museum House in Chile), with a fragment of his famous writing about Miguel Hernández after his death. "Remembering Miguel Hernández who disappeared in the dark and remembering it in broad daylight, is a duty of [...]
Vega Baja Acoge “Miguel unites us” 2018 C/Magnolio In clear homage to Forges, the work represents the desire of immigrants to be welcomed in different countries of the world, to achieve a better life, to the cry of the last verse of the poem "Last Song" by Miguel Hernández
Arturo Mateo and Patricia Iliuc “Get up child, get up!” 2018 Trasversal C/ Samaritana Representation of the figure of the poet, through his portrait, made with handwritten typographies and color graphics. The poem used for the representation is Llamo a la juventud, with the intention of serving as encouragement for the new generations of the [...]
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