The Seguridad Social concert will kick off a new edition of the Murals of San Isidro to be held on March 16, 17 and 18

Una página web realizada por la concejalía de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Orihuela va a permitir reunir toda la información pasada y presente referente a los Murales del barrio de San Isidro…

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La niña yuntera

Asociación de Mujeres Clara Campoamor “La niña yuntera” 2018 C/ Travesía Samaritana Based on the famous poem but starring a girl, it is used to denounce the female child exploitation, and how only feminism can become the liberating force of inequalities and injustices.
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Pablo Neruda

Enrique Menárguez López “Pablo Neruda” 2018 C/Camino Viejo del Oriolet Replica of a mural found in La Chascona (Pablo Neruda's Museum House in Chile), with a fragment of his famous writing about Miguel Hernández after his death. "Remembering Miguel Hernández who disappeared in the dark and remembering it in broad daylight, is a duty of [...]
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Miguel unites us

Vega Baja Acoge “Miguel unites us” 2018 C/Magnolio In clear homage to Forges, the work represents the desire of immigrants to be welcomed in different countries of the world, to achieve a better life, to the cry of the last verse of the poem "Last Song" by Miguel Hernández
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Get up child, get up!

Arturo Mateo and Patricia Iliuc “Get up child, get up!” 2018 Trasversal C/ Samaritana Representation of the figure of the poet, through his portrait, made with handwritten typographies and color graphics. The poem used for the representation is Llamo a la juventud, with the intention of serving as encouragement for the new generations of the [...]
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