¡Marzo viene! (Marzo is Coming!)

Daniel  Murcia; Carmen Rubio; Eva Fresquet, Mª Isabel Quinto y Encarna Alcaide

“¡Marzo viene!” (Marzo is Coming!)


Travesía Doctor Escolano, 5AC

This collective drawing shows another allegory of the caged bird. Here, it has transformed into a yellow lemon, a very typical fruit of Orihuela’s orchards, and one with which Miguel Hernández identified himself. As a teenager, Hernández wrote a sonnet titled Oh limón. Some verses of its first stanza are shown on the lowest part of the mural. The cage’s open door recalls the permanent idea of freedom that the poet passes on throughout his work. The remaining phrases are the titles of other famous poems by the Orihuelan poet.

Murales Miguel Hernandez de San Isidro Orihuela.