La Palmera. Falla Centenario Miguel Hernández (The Palm Tree. Miguel Hernández Centenary Falla Scultpure)

Asociación Cultural Orihuela 2m10

“La Palmera. Falla Centenario Miguel Hernández” (The Palm Tree. Miguel Hernández Centenary Falla Scultpure)

Entre C/Sauce y C/ San Isidro Labrador


Artists Fabiola Andreu and Eva Ruiz designed this collective mural that evokes “La palmera”, one of the key pieces of the experimental Falla sculpture that Asociación Cultural Orihuela 2m10 built in memorial of Miguel Hernández’s centenary, held in 2010. It is a geometric, multi-coloured recreation of a palm tree, characteristic of Orihuela’s landscape.