Pedazos de vida mía (Parts of my Life)

Cuadernos Viajeros

“Pedazos de vida mía” (Parts of my Life)



In this lovely mural, Cuadernos Viajeros, a group that is a regular at the San Isidro Murals events, reveals some of the key elements of the inner persona of Miguel Hernández (the sandals, the calendar, the onions and the woman breast feeding a child on a gloomy background). All this is described in poems such as Las abarcas desiertas, where the poet writes about his feelings when there were no presents inside his goatherd’s shoes on day of the Magi, and the Onion Lullabies to his son, after his wife sent him a letter saying that the child did not eat more than bread and onion. On the other side of the mural, Miguel Hernández’s face is silhouetted over the colours of Spain’s republican flag.