El naranjo sabe a vida (The Orange Tree tastes of Life)

Mario García

“El naranjo sabe a vida” (The Orange Tree tastes of Life)

C/Orquídea, 19


Mario García shows us the loving passion of Miguel Hernández, reflected in verses selected by the painter from the poem El último rincón. The artist uses a leafy tree (his feelings towards his lover), which is the union of an orange tree (left) and an olive tree (right), to represent the clash between immediacy and vital intensity (the former) and longevity and sadness (the latter).

El naranjo sabe a vida
y el olivo a tiempo sabe
y entre el clamor de los dos
mi corazón se debate.
El último y el primero:
náufrago rincón, estanque
de saliva detenida
sobre su amoroso cauce.
Siesta que ha entenebrecido
el sol de las humedades.
Allí quisiera tenderme
para desenamorarme.