The Hand is the Tool of the Soul
Cuadernos viajeros Elx
“The Hand is the Tool of the Soul”
Calle El Cerezo 1AC, corner with Samaritana 36
This is the work of Cuadernos Viajeros, a group joined by their interest in drawing and painting, and which has left its mark in the San Isidro district with an allegory inspired by Miguel Hernández’s poem titled Hands. Mariano Albadalejo directed this collective mural from a sketch by Lola López Carrasquilla. The painting highlights an open hand emerging vitally from the earth and holding on to it through the branches of a tree. In its palm, a broken chain. On one of the ends of the metal links, an open ring falls over the neck of the dove of peace, which takes flight with an olive branch in its peak. In the background, a multicolour sea of waves under the Mediterranean blue sky, crossed by an intense rainbow. To the right, an open book from where the poet’s verses sprout.
The hand is the tool of the soul, its message.
And the body has in it its fighting branch.
Get up, move your hands in a great swell.
Men of my seed.
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