Mi cuerpo contra el tronco (My Body against the Trunk)
Enrique Barcala; Merche Bou; Miguel Tomás
“Mi cuerpo contra el tronco” (My Body against the Trunk)
Side of Calle Sauce 6
Restorer and painter Enrique Barcala painted with the help of Merche Bou and Miguel Tomás this tribute mural to the fig tree in Miguel Hernández’s courtyard. The poet used to take refuge from the sun under the tree and sleep the siesta. Between its roots, his sleepy face. The tree inspired these beautiful verses:
Mi carne, contra el tronco, se apodera,
en la siesta del día
de la vida, del peso de la higuera,
¡tanto!., que se diría,
al divorciarlas, que es de carne mía.
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