Made Strong by Repeated Blows
Ramón Garza; C. Pardo
“Made Strong by Repeated Blows”
Between Calle Algarrobo and Calle Sauce
Murcia-based painter/sculptor Ramón Garza was one of the artists who painted the San Isidro district facades in the “Tribute of the Villages of Spain to Miguel Hernández” in 1976. In 2012, Garza reproduced again his painting from the first edition. It is a socially realistic painting in a lively colour composition. Gloomy looking peasants and a sickle are the symbols used to pay tribute to the poet, with verses from Child of the Plough.
Traspasada por junio,
por España y la sangre,
se levanta mi lengua
con clamor a llamarte.
Campesino que mueres,
campesino que yaces
en la tierra que siente
no tragar alemanes,
no morder italianos:
español que te abates
con la nuca marcada
por un yugo infamante,
que traicionas al pueblo
defensor de los panes:
campesino, despierta,
español, que no es tarde…
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