Ortuño “Like a Bull, Tricked, Like a Bull” 2017 C/Previsión, 1BAC Alfonso Ortuño is, without a doubt, one of the most relevant cartoonists in our country. In 2017 he depicted in a mural this bull illustration, a key metaphor in the works of Miguel Hernández. It expresses in only one shape the tragedy and the [...]
Quique “Wretched Wars” 2017 C/Previsión A graffiti vast length with a leaden grey background that depicts on baroque fonts and red tears of blood from a deadpan eye, the devastating effects of war. Quique pays his particular homage to Miguel Hernández with this painting on the 75th anniversary of his death, integrating into the composition [...]
“El garaje de los guitarros” (The Guitarists’ Garage) C/Orquídea, 17 2015 In this painting, the caged bird on the left symbolises oppression and captivity, opposed to the freedom enjoyed by the other specimens that fly freely through the forest. The mural remembers the imprisonment suffered by Miguel Hernández and recovers his desire for freedom through [...]
Victoria Díaz “La morada amarilla” (The yellow dwelling) C/Orquídea, 15 2015 This mural fills all the space with a depiction of Orihuela’s landscape with abstract patches. Particularly, it adds on the top the title of the religious poem La morada amarilla. The composition describes Castilla’s fields and was published in the 2nd issue of [...]
Colegio Jesús María San Isidro "Sin título" 2017 C/Previsión, 19 A mural painted by the students of the Jesús María San Isidro School, which has taken part in all the editions of the San Isidro Murals. This is a striking and colourful painting that besides reminding us of Miguel Hernández, pays tribute to the 50th [...]
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