Cuadernos Viajeros “Pedazos de vida mía” (Parts of my Life) C/Acacia 2014 In this lovely mural, Cuadernos Viajeros, a group that is a regular at the San Isidro Murals events, reveals some of the key elements of the inner persona of Miguel Hernández (the sandals, the calendar, the onions and the woman breast feeding a [...]
Kike Payá. KIKELIN “Miguel Hernández” C/Orquídea, 13 2015 This work, by cartoonist Kike Payá “Kikelín”, is among the most representative pieces of San Isidro district murals. The cartoon-like portrait of Miguel Hernández represents, as stated by its author, “the physical identity, character and personal history in the features and the anatomy of a face”. Kike [...]
“In Orihuela, his Town and Mine” C/Previsión, 36 2015 The scenic composition of this mural gathers in the background, the Orihuela Mountains crowned by the Muela Cross, the Diocesan Seminar between the mount and the town, and in the foreground a recreation of Orihuela’s landscape. A pretty vignette along the verses of the famous Elegía [...]
Diego Sueño I want to be the Tearful Gardener C/Orquídea, 11 2017 Alicante’s graffiti artist Diego Sueño remembers Miguel Hernández with a mural based on the poem devoted to his friend: Elegy to Ramón Sijé. On the right, the first verses of the poem. On the left, a drawing of a faceless, thoughtful human [...]
Isabel Aparicio “Hierbas, flores…” (Plants, Flowers) C/Acacia, 2 2014 Isabel Aparicio painted this beautiful mural in 2014. It shows a tree sprouting. On its branches and roots are sentences written by Miguel Hernández to Juan Ramón Jiménez in November 1931: “As I said, I think I am a bit of a poet. On the meadows [...]
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