Murales Miguel Hernández Orihuela

For Freedom

Más Vida “For Freedom” “Mis ojos sin tus ojos” (My Eyes without yours) C/ Orquídea, 9 2017 The Más Vida Association that supports people affected by cancer held its 10th anniversary taking part in the San Isidro Murals with this painting made up of two scenes united by the organisation’s logo. The left scene recreates [...]
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El Gallo Crisis

José Aledo; I.E.S THÁDER, “El Gallo Crisis” C/ Acacia 2012 The design and coordination of this mural was executed by José Aledo. The students of Orihuela’s Tháder secondary education high school took part in its creation. José Aledo is a painter from Orihuela as described by Doctor Manuel García Pérez: for decades, the works of [...]
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La Palmera. Falla Centenario Miguel Hernández (The Palm Tree. Miguel Hernández Centenary Falla Scultpure)

Asociación Cultural Orihuela 2m10 “La Palmera. Falla Centenario Miguel Hernández” (The Palm Tree. Miguel Hernández Centenary Falla Scultpure) Entre C/Sauce y C/ San Isidro Labrador 2014 Artists Fabiola Andreu and Eva Ruiz designed this collective mural that evokes “La palmera”, one of the key pieces of the experimental Falla sculpture that Asociación Cultural Orihuela 2m10 [...]
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Mujeres en la vida de Miguel Hernández (Women in the Life of Miguel Hernández)

Mural Colectivo. Diseño y coordinación de Kike Payá “Mujeres en la vida de Miguel Hernández” (Women in the Life of Miguel Hernández) C/Geranio 2014 This mural by Kike Payá is devoted to the women in Miguel Hernández’s life. Carmen Conde, María Zambrano, Maruja Mallo, María Cegarra and the poet’s wife, Josefina Manresa. Several artists and [...]
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Centro Ocupacional Oriol “Elegy” Plaza San Isidro 2017 The painting workshop of the Oriol Occupational Centre has taken part in every edition of the San Isidro Murals. This time, the painting shows Orihuela’s skyline and over it multicoloured geometric shapes with a white full moon.
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