Rosario the Dynamiter

Vega Baja Acoge “Rosario the Dynamiter” 2017 Plaza de San Isidro This mural is devoted to Rosario Sánchez Mora, a militia women of the republican front in the Spanish Civil War, best known as ”The Dynamiter”. She is remembered in a black solid form to the right of the mural. Miguel Hernández wrote a poem [...]
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Sorpresa del trigo (Wheat Surprise)

Mujeres Clara Campoamor “Sorpresa del trigo” (Wheat Surprise) 2017 Plaza de San Isidro This mural is an homage to Miguel Hernández and the surrealist painter Maruja Mallo, one of the most relevant members of the Generation of 1927. The authors transferred to the wall the painting “Sorpresa del trigo” (painted in 1936). In it, a [...]
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Jornaleros (Labourers)

ADIS Vega Baja “Jornaleros” (Labourers) 2017 Plaza de San Isidro The Association of People of Functional Diversity of Orihuela (ADIS) joined for the first time the San Isidro Murals with this painting, designed by Quino Cumella, a student at Orihuela’s Art and Design College. The scene shows some figures that represent the people following training [...]
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Murales Miguel Hernandez de San Isidro Orihuela.

¿Por qué? (Why?)

Ricardo Cánovas Pérez; Ricardo Cánovas Ballester “¿Por qué?” (Why?) Plaza San Isidro 2017 This mural contains a magnificent portrait of Miguel Hernández. The poet in prison asks the world why? On a black background are the bars of his jail. His only companions are his hands, holding sheets of paper.
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Murales Miguel Hernandez de San Isidro Orihuela.

La isleña (The Islander Lady), 1927

IES las Espeñetas “La isleña” (The Islander Lady), 1927 2017 Plaza de San Isidro Orihuela’s Las Espeñetas Secondary Education High School reflects in this mural the moment of farewell, an intense memory of the instant that accompanied Miguel Hernández throughout his life. Hernández described it with masterful beauty in his poem ¿Recuerdas aquel cuello, haces [...]
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