M. García "Cogedme" 2017 Calle El Cerezo, next to 1AC On a bright yellow background, the artist has focused his attention on a black area with fuzzy edges. Floating on it, a balanced composition overlapping parts of the poem Take me, Get me, published in the book Songbook and Ballads of Absences. A pale pink [...]
Pili, Juan, Víctor, Pellua “Sopa de letras” (Alphabet soup) 2017 Calle Magnolio, corner of Calle Oriolet 25 This large size painting fills the wall with the movement of its green and yellow leafs, scattered by the wind. Some have letters as a reference to spring and autumn for the fig tree, the signature tree in [...]
Mª Dolores Piñero, Pilar, Mª Teresa, J. Vicente, Paloma, Dolo, Andrea, Cristina, Adriana, Victoria, Sandra, Víctor Manuel “The drawings of Miguel II: Save Yourself, Wake up Bull” 2017 Travesía Samaritana, corner of Calle Oriolet 17 Designed from two of the drawings by Miguel Hernández, in the margin of his manuscript of his poem "Elegía media [...]
Sher “Y llegó de amapola en amapola” (From one Poppy to another I arrive) 2012 Between Calle Sauce and Calle San Isidro Labrador Graffiti artist Sher made this mural in 2012, with colourful letters that read from the poem titled “Y llego de amapola en amapola”. The poet is represented here always in despair and [...]
Oliver; Belén; María; José Luis; Francisco José "Sin título" 2012 Between Calle Sauce and Calle San Isidro Labrador This mural is a reconstruction by a group of Madrid painters of a painting made in 1976. The geometric composition combines colours and shapes with an appealing aesthetic outcome.
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