Miniaturas de los murales de 2012 (Miniatures of 2012 Murals)

Manuel Aguilera “Miniaturas de los murales de 2012” (Miniatures of 2012 Murals) Between Calle Sauce and Calle San Isidro Labrador 2012 In 2012 Orihuela painter Manuel Aguilera painted miniatures of the murals of that time.
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Tus abuelos te encerraron (Your Grandparents locked you up)

León “Tus abuelos te encerraron” (Your Grandparents locked you up) Between Calle Sauce and Calle San Isidro Labrador 2012 Graffiti artist León depicts a dove as the symbol of peace and freedom in this mural. A dove flies from the free eyes of the poet towards chaos and desperation.
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Un niño dormita (A Child snoozes)

Ana Leonís “Un niño dormita” (A Child snoozes) C/Tomillo, 2 2014 In 2014 Oriheula artist Ana Leonís painted this small mural with a number of pictorial and poetic elements. A young shepherd milks his goats while singing almost asleep the verses of his poem titled En cuclillas ordeño. The mural also contains the verses of [...]
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Aviones (Planes)

Virus Aviones (Planes) Between Calle Tomillo and Calle Acacia 2012 A portrait of Miguel Hernández is reproduced in this mural by graffiti artist Virus. There is also an onion, and next to the poet is a shape with animal features and sharp teeth, similar to Picasso’s Guernica horse head. The blue sky is littered with [...]
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Jornaleros (Labourers)

Juan Miguel Rodríguez Cuesta “Jornaleros” (Labourers) Between Calle Tomillo and Calle Acacia 2012 A mural in golden colours of two labourers harvesting. The authors pay tribute to Miguel Hernández with an image that symbolises his Jornaleros poem. Jornaleros que habéis cobrado en plomo sufrimientos, trabajos y dineros. Cuerpos de sometido y alto lomo: jornaleros. Españoles [...]
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