The VII Edition of the Murals of San Isidro has been a success.

Almost a thousand people fill the streets of the emblematic neighborhood of San Isidro during a weekend in which 30 new facades have been painted.

The Oriolan neighborhood of San Isidro has been refilled with art during the VII edition of the murals, which began on Friday March 16 with the inauguration by the Councilor for Culture, Mar Ezcurra, and the students of the school of Jesús María de San Isidro, who this year were in charge of painting the traditional Collective Mural located in the Plaza de la Ermita.

This edition, which ended on Sunday, has again had a large participation of painters who throughout the weekend have left their works in tribute to Miguel Hernández on the facades of the houses in the neighborhood.

Collectives such as the Cruz Roja, ADIS, the Clara Campoamor Women’s Association, the Oriol Occupational Center and Vega Baja Acoge, have this year joined the initiative to paint murals designed by each of the organizations in San Isidro. For the first time a school in Torrevieja has participated and its students have painted a large mural.

This year, as a novelty, the Department of Culture has installed 211 QR codes on the murals of previous editions to know, through mobile devices, all the information regarding each of the works.

Este año, como novedad, la concejalía de Cultura ha instalado 211 códigos QR en los murales de las ediciones anteriores para conocer, a través de dispositivos móviles toda la información referente a cada una de las obras.

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